GoNomad Blog

Business Insights

I don’t think we can name one person today who hasn’t used the words  “business” and “company” interchangeably. Well, maybe babies are not guilty of this charge… yet!  I know you have noticed it too, and maybe you do not even have the time to use the right term, so it is justified for you […]


You’ve got your business idea, your passion, and your drive and you are ready to turn your entrepreneurial dream into a reality. But wait, there’s one more essential step: creating your website to put it all into perspective.Let me tell you about Jane. Jane is an ambitious entrepreneur ready to launch her new venture. She’s

TikTok Shop

If you were naming the top three social media platforms to drive businesses in 2019, you would have also said “LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook”. However, that is not the case in 2024, especially now that e-commerce is rapidly becoming the cornerstone of profitability in business.  Chances are you have heard of TikTok before. You know

business, strategy, business strategy

Let’s say you’re setting sail across a vast ocean: you have a capable ship, a skilled crew, and a thirst for adventure, but no direction or destination in mind.  Here’s the shocker. Even the most magnificent vessel may not succeed without a destination in mind. The same is true for your business. A clear business